About Us
Mission: We promote Ballroom Dancing in order to bring the joy of dancing to everyone. We wish to create opportunities for people to meet and enjoy the friendship of other dancers, uniting all who share our enthusiasm and interest, in order to profit from the physical, mental and social benefits of ballroom dancing. We wish to create a friendly and happy atmosphere for those who enjoy social dancing and those who enjoy dancing competitions.
Our Carolina Heartland Chapter of USA Dance, Inc. includes beginners and more experienced dancers from the Greensboro/High Point/Burlington/Piedmont Triad and surrounding areas of North Carolina.
We meet monthly on the second Sunday of the month at 3:30 pm. Admission fees are as follows: $7.00 for USA Dance Members; $10.00 for guests; and $5 for people students under age 22. The fun begins with a 45 minute lesson taught by one of the local professional instructors. Most lessons include something for the beginner followed by something more challenging for the more experienced dancer. General dancing lasts from 4:15 until 6:00 p.m. and usually includes a mixer and several lady's choice dances. Refreshments are provided.
We are fortunate to have excellent, experienced music providers who strive to present the best ballroom dance music as well as a good variety of dances and a good mixture of vocals and instrumentals.
In addition to the monthly dances, we have an annual Black Tie event which for the past 13 years has been held in the ballroom at the Koury Convention Center. Another big dance function, the Showcase, occurs each year in the Fall. It features exhibitions by members and other interested persons interspersed with sessions of general dancing.
Carolina Heartland has an Outreach Team that presents dance demonstrations at Retirement Communities, Senior Centers, Malls, Rehab Centers and other public places for the pleasure of the observers. We have provided lessons to Cancer Survivors, and we have been instrumental in the introduction of ballroom dance to some local colleges.
Much more information about our chapter is included in the Monthly newsletter. You will find it by clicking on the Newsletter Link on the Articles of Interest tab to the right. It keeps a person up to date on the events and happenings of our chapter. For more information please contact any of the officers listed below. You will find us to be a friendly group, eager to share the love of dance with all.
Visit us on Facebook: USA Dance, Carolina Heartland Chapter 6092
As of January 2010, all chapters of USA Dance are covered under a single common set of By-Laws. They can be viewed here
2018 - 2019 Officers General email address: carolinaheartlandusadance@gmail.com